Spil hundurinn telja og flokka— ABC Skólavörur

Spil hundurinn telja og flokka

frá Lakeshore
0 kr
0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
10,900 kr
10.900 kr - 10.900 kr
10.900 kr

Spil hudurinn telja og flokka með ýmsum verkefnum


Boosting math skills is a blast—with super-fun folder games children can play on their own! Our ready-to-use library comes with everything students need to play each game—no prep work required. Children simply grab a color-coded folder and corresponding pouch of game tiles…follow the simple, 3-step instructions to complete the activity…then check their own answers for instant reinforcement! Library includes 10 games covering number sense, quantities, counting, sequencing, greater than/less