Body Awareness - Líkamshreyfingar— ABC Skólavörur

Body Awareness - Líkamshreyfingar

4.990 kr - 4.990 kr
4.990 kr
4.990 kr - 4.990 kr
4.990 kr

Æfingar í 5 mismunandi flokkum. Hreyfum okkur saman í jógaæfingum með górillunni. Eflir líkamsvitund og jafnvægi. Æfingar eru litakóðaðar eftir erfiðleikastígi.

Body Awareness Fun Deck includes 56 illustrated cards (3¼" X 4¼") featuring OTis, the OT Gorilla, in different body positions. Children will enjoy working on body scheme, spatial awareness, and visual perceptual skills while imitating OTis. Choose a card with the skill you want children to improve, and have fun playing the suggested games. Includes five levels of difficulty, each color-coded for easy use. Cards come in a sturdy tin.