Understanding Negation - Neitun— ABC Skólavörur

Understanding Negation - Neitun

0 kr
3.990 kr - 3.990 kr
3,990 kr
3.990 kr - 3.990 kr
3.990 kr

Markmiðið er að læra og skilja orðið - ekki -  Læra að útloka ákveðna þætti og finna hvað á ekki við. Hvaða hundur er ekki að éta ? Hver er ekki lítill ? Enginn texti er á myndaspjöldunum. 

"Show me…the dog is not eating." Understanding Negation Fun Deck will help students improve their comprehension of the concept "not." This deck is unique in that the number of illustrations on the cards increases to address more complex negation. This 52 card deck includes 28 cards with two illustrations, 12 with three illustrations, and 12 with four illustrations. It has content, instruction cards, and four bonus cards. Cards measure 2½" x 3½" and are stored in a sturdy storage tin.